1978 Diploma in Landscape Architecture, Gloucestershire College of Art & Design

1981 Member of Landscape Institute

1997 Chartered Member of Landscape Institute 


These awards were as part of a professional team, with James Truscott leading the Landscape Architecture inputs.

2008 Saltire Awards

Clackmannanshire Bridge

2002 Saltire Awards

Falkirk Wheel

2000 British Construction Industry Major Project Award 2000

High Commendation, M6 DBFO Project

2000 Saltire Awards

M6 DBFO Project

1995 St Nicholas’ Garden, Glasgow; Grand Award

Scottish Landscape Industry Group Award Winner/Principal Award “Mainly Hard Landscape Construction” category,

British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI) Awards

1995 BALI Certificate of Appreciation for Design of Provands Lordship Garden (Personal Award)

1995 St Nicholas’ Garden, Glasgow, Environmental Regeneration Awards, Supreme Award